Thank you for visiting the Publishing Ministries page!

Developed by the Adventist pioneers even before the Seventh-day Adventist Church had a name or organization, the Publishing Ministry was ordained by God to play a prominent role in sharing the everlasting Gospel to the world. Throughout Scriptures, there is evidence that God choose this ministry as the right hand of successfully communicating His will to mankind. 
The Publishing Ministries in Lusaka Conference is fully committed to this God-given task. 

To learn more the department click on the link

The Publishing Ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to proclaim, through print media the Gospel of Hope to the whole world in this generation.


The Three dimensions of the Publishing Ministries Vision are:
1. To uplift and dignify people through better living-physically, socially and spiritually-thus preparing them for the world to come.
2. To encourage and equip each individual to share the good news of Jesus and His second coming.
3. To strengthen personal faith through the spiritual nurture that comes from sharing the light with others.

1. To establish and activate local church literature ministry
2. To recruit, train and establish regular literature evangelists
3. To activate student literature evangelism programs
4. To develop and train publishing leaders.
5. To establish a presence on the internet and incorporate new marketing strategies.
6. To encourage total involvement of church members in literature evangelism.
7. To establish and strengthen local church and adventist home libraries.
8. To promote acquisition and reading of the Spirit of Prophecy publications among Adventists.


1. Implementation of the "I Will Go" Church's Strategic Approach to Mission
* Defining the Publishing Ministries contribution to the Strategic Plan
* Explain and elaborate the Publishing Ministries' relevance

2. Church Member Involvement in Literature Evangelism
* Implement the Missionary Book of the Year Program
* Conduct Mass distribution of Literature especially on World Impact Day
* Training Church Members to adopt Publishing ministry's activities as the way of life 

3. Establishing Regular and Student Literature Evengalists
* Ensure to recruit at least one literature evangelist at every Adventist congregation
* Conduct refresher courses and seminars for already established team of literature evangelists
* Develop career literature evangelists
*Engage institutions of higher learning to open and establish student literature evangelists clubs
* Address challenges and offer opportunities to literature evangelists
*Adopt programs and strategies that enhance the use of digital and online marketing
* Conduct regular assessments of literature evangelists missionary activities

4. Publishing Leadership Training
* Develop resource materials for Publishing leaders from local churches to conference leadership
* Conduct Local Church Publishing council workshops and seminars
* Address challenges and opportunities for Publishing leadership.

5. Use of Technology and Digital Media
* Promote the use of New Sharing Hope mobile friendly website and app

The Seventh-day Adventist Church adopted the Great Controversy as missionary book for the year.
Join the distribution of millions of copies during 2023, 2024 and 2025 in preparation for Jesus' return.
To learn more about the project click on the link

Lusaka Conference Publishing Leaders:

Department Director
Pastor Stanley McNamara Chilembo

Office Assistant
Mrs. Rachael M Musenge

Assistant Publishing Department Directors

Kennedy Sejani
Assistant Publishing Director
Mumbwa Region

Lenton Ng'andu
Assistant Publishing Director
Chilanga Region

Gladys S. Chiyobeka
Assistant Publishing Director
Makeni Region

Vivian Siafwa
Assistant Publishing Director
Westwood Region